Thea Bladt - New PhD student at the Department of History and Classical Studies
Thea is enrolled as a PhD student as of 1 September with the project “Commemoration and the Redress of Colonial Crimes in Denmark, the Netherlands and the US, 1990-2022” .

While I completed my bachelor’s degree at Amsterdam University College, I became part of Columbia University and Howard University’s Trans-Atlantic Racial Redress Network through a research internship at the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies. This sparked my interest in studying redress trends in a transnational manner. My PhD-project “Commemoration and the Redress of Colonial Crimes in Denmark, the Netherlands and the US, 1990-2022” applies methods of transitional justice, memory studies and global history to a consistently structured collection of data in order to test one key hypothesis: That the redress debates from the 1990s onwards have unfolded as inherently entangled events both in terms of the dynamics of the debates erupting in different national arenas and the types of redress ultimately provided, but that said debates have also manifested themselves differently in individual countries as a results of diverging cultural, political, and legal traditions influencing redress processes. I look forward to commencing the project on September 1st and joining the research environment at the School of Culture and Society.
Thea Bladt
School of Culture and Society - Department of History and Classical Studies
Jens Chr. Skous Vej 5
8000 Aarhus C