Approaching Portraits from Palmyra / Greek Votive Terracotta Figurines: Dealing with the Masses
Seminar with Sine Kragh and Sanne Hoffmann. In the series: Current approaches to the Classical World. Ancient World Spring 2015 Seminars
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Aarhus University, Campus Nobel, bldg. 1461, room 515, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 5
Sine Kragh: Portraits from various Roman provinces offer an insight to local and wider geographical knowledge systems and ideas. However, terms such as domination and resistance are still central in the research and do not consider a multiple-way of transmission and exchange of traditions and ideas. The paper will address theoretical and methodological reflections on portrait traditions as well as the visuality of portraits and how these allow new ways of understanding Palmyrene portraits.
Sanne Hoffmann: The large quantities of votive offerings found in Greek sanctuaries are a challenge to manage and study. It is a matter of swimming or drowning, and the choice of tools decides the outcome. Might the combination of chaîne opératoire and cognitive science take us where we want to go?
The seminar is open, no registration in advance is necessary.
Ancient World Spring 2015 Seminars (pdf)
Arranged by the Research Programme Classical Antiquity: Tradition and Transformation