Aarhus University Seal

Binennial Conference MEGA Seminar

The MEGA Seminar is a biennial conference organised by members of the departments of anthropology at Copenhagen and Aarhus Universities in collaboration with colleagues from The Danish School of Education, Aalborg University and the IT University of Copenhagen.

MEGA is a leading event for anthropologists in Denmark and aims to bring together researchers at different stages of their careers to engage in a three-day intensive program with keynotes, panels, workshops, and ethnographic salons.

The conference takes place at the Sandbjerg Estate in August and is largely planned by and particularly targeted at PhD students who contribute insights from their own research. At the same time, internationally leading scholars are invited as keynote speakers who conduct pioneering research and have a reputation for being committed and good at engaging in dialogue with younger researchers.

Previous keynote speakers at the Mega seminar include:

  • Joel Robbins (University of Cambridge)
  • Michael Jackson (Harvard University)
  • Frida Hastrup (University of Copenhagen)
  • Eduardo Kohn (McGill University)
  • Daniel M. Knight (University of St Andrews)
  • Lisa Stevenson (McGill University)
  • Paige West (Columbia University)
  • Unni Wikan (Oslo University)
  • Faye Ginsburg (New York University)
  • Elizabeth Povinelli (Columbia University)
  • Douglas Holmes (Binghamton University)
  • Diane Nelson (Duke University)

The MEGA conference enjoys a good reputation among anthropologists worldwide and often produces ground-breaking international publications of both a theoretical and methodological nature.

Recent publications include:

  • Etnografisk tekst: om at forstå verden gennem skrift by Helle Bundgaard and Anne Line Dalsgard. Samfundslitteratur (2023).
  • "The End and After" – a special issue in Ethnos edited by Mads Daugbjerg and Noa Vaisman (2023).
  • Anthropology Inside Out – a compilation edited by Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen, Line Dalsgård, Mette Lind Kusk, Maria Nielsen, Cecilie Rubow and Mikkel Rytter. Published by Sean Kingston Publishing (2020).

Conference History

2025 – Co-Existing?

2023 – Quest for a good life

2021To begin again

2019Time to Choose

2017The End

2015 – Genres: 21st Cent. Modes of Ethnography

2014 – Law

2011 – Reconsidering Ethnographic Comparison

2009 – The modern field

2008 – Problems of change and continuity

2006 – Reinventing the whole in a global world

2005 – Questions of difference

2004 – Questions of order (1st MEGA)

Conference outputs