Aarhus Universitets segl

Daniel Major-Smith



Primær tilknytning

Daniel Major-Smith




By training I am an Evolutionary Anthropologist, interested in understanding human behaviour from an evolutionary perspective. I completed a PhD at UCL (awarded 2017) exploring cooperation among the Agta, a population of Filipino hunter-gatherers. From 2016, I worked at Bristol Medical School in the University of Bristol where I - somewhat accidentally! - became an Epidemiologist, interested in causal inference methods and using data from longitudinal studies to answer causal questions.

Since October 2024 I returned to my home discipline of evolutionary anthropology, working as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Aarhus University on a cross-cultural project exploring the relationship between religion and cooperation in a range of small-scale societies.

I am interested in a range of topics, including: religion, causal inference, longitudinal studies, cooperation, mental health, climate change beliefs/behaviours, and open-science.

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