Aarhus Universitets segl

Lasse Bech Knudsen


Ph.d.-studerende, PhD Studerende

Primær tilknytning

Lasse Bech Knudsen


  • Antropologi
  • Teknologi og antropologi
  • Infrastruktur og antropologi
  • Fremtidsscenarier




I am broadly interested in the attempt to develop future-proof solutions to the large-scale challenges of the 21st century. I study the plans and visions to develop floating cities to nuance how watertech is central to past and present ideas about socio-environmental relations. I draw on ethnographic fieldwork and historical material to nuance how primarily Dutch hydro-tech developers devise floating technology as a pragmatic tool to curtail hyper-abstract global stressors such as sea level rise, urban population growth, and land scarcity.

You can also take a look here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lassebechknudsen/

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