Aarhus Universitets segl

Call for papers - "Abysmal existence - Kierkegaard on the negative"

Department of Culture and Society celebrates the 200th anniversary of Søren Kierkegaard's birth with the conference "Abysmal existence - Kierkegaard on the negative." Deadline for papers is April 15th.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Mandag 15. april 2013,  kl. 00:00 - 00:00


Aarhus University

Conference description:

Kierkegaard became the thinker of negativity. From the German idealists he inherited the philosophical notions of subjectivity, dialectics and the negative and applied them in critiques of the established church, theology and philistine ethos of his time. In turn, he even criticized the German idealists. Kierkegaard's writing was in the negative. It was indirect and pseudonymous. Its subtle uses of humor, irony, comedy, satire and paradox were endless. Any straight-forward notion of truth or the good was at risk of falling victim to his dialectic attacks. In style and argument he would consistently point the reader toward the abyss of existence.

The conference intends to throw light upon the notions of human life, religion and existence that were driving the negativity in Kierkegaard's thought. What religious or philosophical stances made the negative so central to Kierkegaard? And what potential positive notions of life were hiding in the negative? These and related questions will be addressed at the levels of subjectivity, ethics, aesthetics, religion, politics, and existence in general.

The conference presents a selection of internationally acclaimed Kierkegaard scholars and scholars of neighboring thinkers of existence and the negative. A full program will follow as soon as possible here.


A workshop will be organized in affiliation with the conference. For the workshop we invite papers of no more than 2000 words. Papers may focus on, but are not limited to the overall theme of the conference. Find a Pdf version of the call here.

Important dates:

  • April 15, 2013: Your abstract of no more than 200 words should be recieved by Matias Møl Dalsgaard (filmmd@hum.au.dk) and/or Anders Moe Rasmussen (filamr@hum.au.dk)