Aarhus Universitets segl

Charismatic healing: A quantitative study of the distribution of diseases in 936 cases of religious healing

Oplæg til frokostseminar ved Ella Paldam, arrangeret af Center for SamtidsReligion

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Tirsdag 6. november 2012,  kl. 12:00 - 13:00


Lokale 415, bygning 1453, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 3


Center for SamtidsReligion

At the CSR brown bag, I present results from a quantitative study of 936 cases of miraculous healing in a Danish charismatic Christian context. Religious healing strategies may be effective in alleviating various symptoms such as pain. This is reflected in the data set, in which diagnoses with highly subjective or fluctuating symptoms are prevalent. The distribution of diseases is comparable with the distribution observed in complementary and alternative medicine; however, it is significantly different from the distribution observed in conventional medicine. The most frequently occurring diseases in the data set are well known from placebo research, which suggests that some of the social and psychological mechanisms at work in placebo effects may also explain the efficacy in healing rituals.