Aarhus Universitets segl

Comparativism and the Study of Ancient Mediterranean Pilgrimage

The Emergence of Sacred Travel 3rd symposium

Oplysninger om arrangementet


onsdag 17. maj 2017, kl. 13:30 - fredag 19. maj 2017, kl. 18:00


Aarhus University, Nordre Ringgade 1, Preben Hornung Stuen


The Emergence of Sacred Travel

Wednesday 17 May

13.30 Introduction

13.45 Keynote
David Frankfurter: Getting There: Reframing Pilgrimage from Process to Site

14.45 Coffee

I. Long-term communities
15.15 Amelia Brown, Queensland: Pilgrimage and the Patron Gods and Saints of Seafaring in the Ancient Mediterranean

16.00 Rebecca Sweetman, St Andrew’s: Pilgrims, piety and pragmatism: Roman sanctuaries and late antique churches in the Cyclades

16.45 Csaba Szabo, Erfurt: Roman healing sites as religious thirdplaces in the Danubian provinces: ancient and contemporary pilgrimage

17.30 Discussion

18.30 Reception and book launch, Excavating Pilgrimage (Antikmuseet)


Thursday 18 May

9.00 Keynote
Ian Rutherford, Reading: Greco-Roman Pilgrimage as Costly Signalling

10.00 Coffee

II. Connecting spaces
10.30 Matthew Robert Anderson, Concordia: Failed Connectivities: The Pauline collection and his final pilgrimage to the temple at Jerusalem

11.15 Florian Wöller, LMU: Sacred Travel en miniature: Processions, Holy Space, and Urban Territory in Gregory of Tours

12.00 Lunch and coffee

13.00 Keynote
Nicholas Purcell, Oxford: Religious Mobilities and the Long History of Baiae

III. Mobilities
14.00 Troels Myrup Kristensen, Aarhus: Greek Religion and the New Mobilities Paradigm

14.45 Anna Collar, Aarhus: Roman Religion and the New Mobilities Paradigm

15.30 Coffee

IV. Disorderliness
16.00 Matthew Dillon, New England: The disorderly pilgrim in ancient Greece

16.45 Isabel Köster, Colorado: Thieving Pilgrims between Rome and the Middle Ages

17.30 Discussion


Friday 19 May

V. Real/imagined spaces
9.00 Jenn Cianca, Bishop’s University: The Thirdspace of Early Christian Pilgrimage: Developing a Sacred Landscape

9.45 Naomi Koltun-Fromm, Haverford: Late Ancient Jerusalem Mythologies: Pilgrims and the Dome of the Rock

10.30 Coffee

VI. Pilgrimages beyond religious experience
11.00 Sarah Midford, La Trobe: Tracing Ancient Footsteps: Contemporary Australian Sacred Travel to the Dardanelles

11.45 Panayiotis Andreou Christoforou, Oxford: The Roman Emperor as a Place of Pilgrimage

12.30 Lunch and coffee

VII. Translating landscape
13.30 Nicola Bergamo, Paris: Pilgrimage to Monte Sant’Angelo and the Cult of Saint Michael during the Lombard period

14.15 Yana Tchekhanovets, Jerusalem: Jerusalem Agents: Armenian and Georgian pilgrimage to Byzantine Palestine

15.00 Sara Terreault, Concordia: “Existential Migration”? Fleeing the Centre in Medieval Celtic Christianity and Postmodern Peregrination

15.45 Coffee

16.15 Keynote
Simon Coleman, Toronto (presenting via video): The Shock of the Old: Contemporary Pilgrimages between Liturgy and Heritage

17.15 Concluding discussion, chaired by David Frankfurter, Nicholas Purcell and Ian Rutherford

19.30 Conference dinner (speakers only) at Pondus, Åboulevarden 51