Aarhus Universitets segl

Seminar: Science and Empire – state of the art and future questions

The Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas in the School of Culture and Society at Aarhus University will host an online seminar on Thursday 10 February 2021 3-5PM (GMT+1).

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Torsdag 10. februar 2022,  kl. 15:00 - 17:00

The Routledge Handbook of Science and Empire, edited by Prof. Andrew Goss of Augusta University, USA, was published in July 2021. This volume, which includes 27 essays, introduces readers to important new topics on the intersection of science and imperialism. Contributors to the collection cover a broad range of themes, including scientific and imperial disciplines, networks of science, scientific practices within empires, and science and decolonization. 

To mark its release, the Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas in the School of Culture and Society at Aarhus University will host an online seminar on Thursday 10 February 2021 3-5PM (GMT+1). The purpose of the seminar is to facilitate discussion among interested peers, students, and volume contributors about the topics covered in the handbook and new directions of research. Professor Goss will introduce the volume and distinguished historian of science Professor Bernard Lightman (York University) will comment on the state of the field. There will be flash presentations by a number of volume contributors. Participation is free, and registration details will follow in due course. Please find the program below. We hope you will you join us for the seminar and what is sure to be a stimulating discussion. To register and receive zoomlink for the seminar send an email to: nklk@cas.au.dk

Seminar organizers: Nanna Katrine Lüders Kaalund (Aarhus University), Andrew Goss (Augusta University) and Casper Andersen (Aarhus University)  


•    Welcome and introductions
•    Flash presentations from contributors: Andrew Goss, Thomas Simpson, James Poskett, Martin Mahony, Andreas Weber, Maria Pia Donato, Nathan Kapoor, James Beatty, Ruth A. Morgan, Cameron Strang, Nanna Katrine Lüders Kaalund, Casper Andersen.
•    Short Break
•    Comments from Professor Bernard Lightman
•    General Discussion