Aarhus Universitets segl

Five Suns and Fire Serpents: Interpreting Moteuczoma's Sun Stone

By Jesper Nielsen & Christophe Helmke, Copenhagen University

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Torsdag 4. april 2019,  kl. 15:00 - 17:00


Lecture Hall (4206, 139), Moesgård

The most famous pre-Columbian Aztec monument is the iconic Calendar Stone, today on display as the

centrepiece in Mexico City’s great National Museum and a replica dominates the Foredragssalen at Moesgaard Campus. The enormous monument dates to the reign of Moteuczoma II, just decades before the arrival of the Spanish. In this talk, we briefly outline the history of its monument from its discovery in 1790 and its meaning. We argue, far from functioning as a calendar, the monument was most likely intended to be used in sacrificial rituals, and its shape, glyphic signs and imagery point to significant dates in Aztec mythology and history.

Including Reception sponsored by the Mexican Embassy to Denmark