Aarhus Universitets segl

Keynote Lecture: Sabine Roeser (TU Delft)

Moral emotions, politics, risk and scientific uncertainties: the case of Covid-19 policies.

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Fredag 4. marts 2022,  kl. 11:30 - 13:00


Aarhus University, 1324/011 (Twin Auditorium).

Moral emotions, politics, risk and scientific uncertainties: the case of Covid-19 policies
Political decision making about technological risks and in the context of scientific uncertainties frequently gives rise to emotions and public concerns. Emotions have often been met with suspicion in debates about risk, because they are seen as contrary to rational decision making. Indeed, emotions can cloud our understanding of quantitative information about risks. However, various emotion researchers in psychology and philosophy have argued for the importance of emotions for ethical reasoning. In my presentation I will argue that moral emotions can make a major contribution in order to assess the multifaceted, ethical aspects of risks, such as justice, fairness, dignity, responsibility and autonomy. Hence, decision making should include attention for emotions, in order to facilitate ‘emotional-moral deliberation’ on these ethical aspects. I will focus specifically on COVID-19 policies.

Co-Hosted by The Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas and the Danish Philosophical Society.

All are welcome.