Aarhus Universitets segl

Locating the Individual in Roman Funerary Culture

10-11 May, 2012. Aarhus University and Ny Carlsberg Glyptoteket are hosting the international seminar "Locating the Individual in Roman Funerary Culture: Patronage, Consumption, and Agency"

Oplysninger om arrangementet


torsdag 10. maj 2012, kl. 00:00 - fredag 11. maj 2012, kl. 00:00


Aarhus University & Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek

(Programme, 25.4.2012)

Thursday May 10

Aarhus University Conference Center, room 2, Frederik Nielsens vej 2-4, 8000 Aarhus C

Session 1 (Chair: Stine Birk)

9.00 Coffee and introduction (Stine Birk and Niels Bargfeldt, Aarhus University)

9.30 Maureen Carroll (University of Sheffield):
"Ex Testamento: Roman Wills and Individual Provision for Death and Commemoration"

10.00 Benjamin Russell (University of Oxford):
"Sarcophagus production and the Individual" 

10.30 Michael Koortbojian (Princeton University):
"Standardization, Transformation, Variation" 

11.00 Coffee

Session 2 (Chair: Birte Poulsen, Aarhus University)

11.30 Sven Ahrens (Oslo University):
"Mass production of tombs in Roman Hierapolis of Phrygia" 

12.00 Björn Christian Ewald (University of Toronto):
"Attic Sarcophagi: Contexts, Images, and Individuals"

12.30 Lunch

Session 3 (Chair: Niels Bargfeldt)

13.30 Stephan Faust (University of Hamburg):
"Dreaming of the past? Individuality and ideology on the Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus"

14.00 Lena Larson Lovén (University of Gothenburg):
"Individual choices in funerary iconography: the cases of work and family"

14.30 Coffee

Session 4 (Chair: Troels Myrup Kristensen, Aarhus University)

15.00 Jane Fejfer:
"Tombs and Portraits"

15.30 Cristina Murer (University of Amsterdam):
"Funerary Statues reused as ornamenta in late antique representative buildings in Ostia Antica" 

16.00 Discussion, discussant: Janet Huskinson (Open University)

18.00 Dinner

Friday May 11

Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen

07.30 Departure for Copenhagen

11.00 Welcome, Jan Kindberg Jacobsen and lunch for participants at Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek

12.00 Jan Stubbe Østergaard (Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek):
Introduction to the Museum (and polychromy)

13.00 Workshop: Rubina Raja (Aarhus University):
"Palmyran Funerary Portraiture"

13.30 Coffee

14.00 Workshop: Mary Harlow (University of Birmingham):
"How old is a Roman child?"
Niels Bargfeldt (Aarhus Univeristy): 
"Individuality and standardisation on funerary monuments"

15.15 Free discussions and time in the museum’s collections

17.00 Museum closes