Aarhus Universitets segl

Non-ferrous metalworking at Ribe – an urban endeavour

Lecture by Postdoc Vana Orfanou (Aarhus University), in collaboration with Assistant Professor Thomas Birch (Aarhus University).

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Tirsdag 19. juni 2018,  kl. 12:00 - 13:00


Centre for Urban Network Evolutions (UrbNet) Aarhus University Moesgård Allé 20, DK-8270 Højbjerg Denmark Building 4230-232




Ribe on the west coast of Denmark was the site of intensive urban development and one of the most influential Viking emporia of the northern European seaborne network. Two workshops dated to the 8thand 9th centuries CE have been excavated containing large amounts of metallurgical remains. The depositional processes within the workshops yield excellent stratigraphic control with time resolution between layers down to 20 years. The assemblage recovered is uniquely suited to characterise different stages of the metalworking cycle at Ribe during the pre- and early Viking Age. Study of the material takes place in collaboration between Centre for Urban Network Evolutions (UrbNet) and the Aarhus Geochemistry and Isotope Research (AGIR) Platform, Aarhus University, and the Sydvestjyske Museer at Ribe. In the presentation, a) results from the analyses of crucible and mould fragments and ingot bars (reflected light microscopy, handheld and micro XRF, EPMA), and b) the urban context of the metalworking cycle will be discussed shedding light to non-ferrous metallurgical operations diachronically in the 8th and 9th centuries CE.