Aarhus Universitets segl

Spatial, Cultural, Political, and Ethnic Discontinuity

The research programme Materials, Culture and Heritage from the Department of Culture and Society is hosting an Iron Age seminar open to all with an interest in the research of the Iron Age.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Onsdag 30. januar 2013,  kl. 10:30 - 18:00


Aarhus University, Auditorium 5, Moesgaard.

With a spatial point of departure various perspectives of cultural, political, and ethnic discontinuities and/or breaks in the Iron Age will be presented at this seminar. The three main themes of the seminar will thus be the interplay between culture areas focusing on communication, political areas focusing on institutions and military, as well as ethnicity focusing on identity. Read the full seminar description here.

The seminar takes place on January 30th 2013 at 10.30-18.00 in Auditorium 5, Moesgaard, Moesgaard allé 20, Højbjerg. The full programme can be found here.

Deadline for registration is January 21st 2013 to Katrine Balsgaard Juul (farkkj@hum.au.dk)

Questions can be adressed to Katrine Balsgaard Juul (farkkj@hum.au.dk) or Mads Kähler Holst (mads.holst@hum.au.dk)