Aarhus Universitets segl

The Arab Spring from Within - Inside Perspectives on the Egyptian Parliamentary Elections

Workshop treating an inside perspective on the practices of democracy in Egypt and on the Arab Spring in general.

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Tirsdag 29. maj 2012,  kl. 10:00 - 14:00


Aarhus University, Preben Hornung Stuen, Stakladen



Last year seven young Egyptian scholars, under the auspices of DEDI, studied the parliamentary elections in Egypt closely. On May 29th they will host Aarhus University to discuss their findings and provide an inside perspective on the practices of democracy in Egypt and on the Arab Spring in general. This is unique opportunity for students and scholars with an interest in the region, in the Arab Spring, and in democracy in general to meet budding Egyptian scholars.  

The workshop takes place Tuesday 29 May, 10 am - 2 pm in Preben Hornung Stuen, Stakladen (Aarhus University)

All are welcome

The workshop is coorganized by DEDI (Danish-Egyptian Dialogue Institute) and TANDEM (Research Group: Towards and Anthropology of Democracy at IKS)