Aarhus Universitets segl

The role of religion in the evolution of big societies: can we test causal hypotheses about major processes in human history?

Lecture by Russell Gray, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History

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Tirsdag 20. september 2016,  kl. 16:15 - 18:00


Building 1441, room 210. Tåsingegade 3

Russell Gray’s research spans the areas of cultural evolution, linguistics, animal cognition, and the philosophy of biology. He helped pioneer the application of computational evolutionary methods to questions about linguistic prehistory and cultural evolution. His work has shed new insights on the 200 year-old debate on the origin of Indo-European languages, dubbed by Diamond and Bellwood as “the most intensively studied, yet still most recalcitrant problem in historical linguistics”. In collaboration with colleagues in Europe he extended this evolutionary approach to test hypotheses about the roles of culture and cognition in constraining linguistic variation. In contrast to the claims of some generative linguists, the analyses revealed striking language family specific dependencies. His core research focuses on questions about the history of languages, cultures and people in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. 

Russel Gray's homepage