Aarhus Universitets segl

Thesis seminar - in Danish - You have to sign up for the digitally Zoom meeting - Information below

Speaker: Simon Mølholm Olesen (Aarhus University - CAS) - Part of his Ph.D project Speaker: Kirsten Thisted (Copenhagen University)

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Fredag 2. oktober 2020,  kl. 11:00 - 13:00


Aarhus University - Zoom meeting


Research Program

A thesis seminar will be conducted Friday 2. October with Simon Mølholm Olesen as part his work on the Ph.D. project: ’Under the Charitable Forces of Civil Society – Shifting Rationales of Power and Counter-Power in Early Colonial Greenland, c. 1721-1800’.

The seminar will be conducted digitally format via Zoom. External commentator is Kirsten Thisted, Copenhagen University, and the seminar is conducted in Danish.

If you plan to attend the seminar, please send an e-mail to Niels Brimnes, hisnbv@cas.au.dk, no later than Wednesday 30. September, and you will receive a link to the seminar.