Aarhus Universitets segl

Transor Workshop I

Methodological Problems of Social Robotics…

Oplysninger om arrangementet


onsdag 28. januar 2015, kl. 13:00 - fredag 30. januar 2015, kl. 13:00


Building 1441, Aud. 2


The new field of social robotics is a multidisciplinary area of research that presents special methodological challenges to both empirical and conceptual investigations.  While researchers in social robotics are aware of these challenges in relation to their disciplinary perspectives, the  specific methodological issues of social robotics as a transdisciplinary area have not yet been explicitly addressed and clarified.


Social Robotics Network

The TRANSOR network is the first European network involving the full spectrum of disciplines involved in social robotics research: robotics, psychology, sociology, anthropology, education, cognitive science linguistics, art, philosophy, history of ideas, and information science.  The TRANSOR network is thus in a unique position to provide the missing methodological discussion, to work towards a 'methodology for social robotics,' and in this way to make a substantive contribution to international social robotics research.

Participation is free of charge