Aarhus Universitets segl

What is not "digital history"?

Speakers: Professor Jane Winters, University of London, Lara Putnam, University of Pittsburgh and Torsten Kahlert, Aarhus University

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Onsdag 5. april 2017,  kl. 13:00 - 16:00


Aarhus University, Nobelparken, Building 1325, room 242


Research Program in History

Digital media, online archives and big search engines have become an integrated part of our professional toolbox. But what are the implications for professional historiography? And how to draw the boarders between designated ‘digital history’ and the ‘non-digital’ historian’s regular use of google, archive.org, and Infomedia? This seminar addresses some of these questions by exploring the digital dimensions of history today.

Confirmed speakers:

Jane Winters, School of Advanced Study, University of London. http://research.sas.ac.uk/search/staff/126/dr-jane-winters/

Lara Putnam, Department of History, University of Pittsburgh. http://www.history.pitt.edu/people/lara-putnam

Torsten Kahlert, Department of History and Classical Studies, Aarhus University. http://cas.medarbejdere.au.dk/nyhedsbreve/nyhed/artikel/torsten-kahlert-new-postdoc-at-cas/

The seminar also includes a short presentation of a possible summer school (S2018) on computation literacy for historians (Helle Strandgaard Jensen, AU Histroy).

Everyone is welcome. To make sure we have the right amount of coffee, tea, and cake, please send an email to Helle Strandgaard Jensen at hs.jensen@cas.au.dk if you would like to attend.