Aarhus Universitets segl

Dining for Denmark – The Role of Dinner Diplomacy in Danish Exile Politics 1940-1945

Karen Gram-Skjoldager has presented a paper: Dining for Denmark – The Role of Dinner Diplomacy in Danish Exile Politics 1940-1945

John Christmas Møller is hosting a dinner party. Fom the left at the table: Børge Brandt, Henrik Kauffmann, Svend Wagner and to the right, Børge Outze. Opposite of Kauffmann is crown prince Frederik. PHOTO: National Museum of Denmark

Karen Gram-Skjoldager has presented a paper: Dining for Denmark – The Role of Dinner Diplomacy in Danish Exile Politics 1940-1945, at New Diplomatic History 5th conference at the University of Turku, Finland. See program here