Aarhus University Seal

Materials, Culture and Heritage

Materials, Culture and Heritage

Archaeology and Deep History

The Materials, Culture and Heritage (MCH) Research Programme has an established international reputation for research, policy engagement and community collaboration.

Nurturing the Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies as a community of scholars, the MCH Research Programme provides an environment that is both critical and supportive for researchers across the field, from early career to senior scholars, and acts as a connection point between students, emeritus colleagues, alumni and wider publics.

In the present context of the climate crisis, issues of decoloniality, inequality and diversity, together with a broader imperative towards societal engagement, the MCH Research Programme provides a lens through which research at Aarhus University can make interventions within both academic and wider fields.

Seminars and events

MCH organises a series of seminars and events, as well as supporting research directly through the Seed Funding scheme.

Key research projects

In the world’s Top 20 research institutions across the discipline, MCH is leading critical academic debates through theoretically nuanced and practically grounded research.


Engaging with public bodies, museums and other institutions in Denmark, Scandinavia and more widely, MCH is making critical interventions within policy-making and application.

In partnership in diverse creative contexts, MCH is engaged in meaningful collaboration with a variety of publics.

Research programme director

Niels Nørkjær Johannsen

Associate Professor, Research Programme Director