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by Professor Axel Honneth, Columbia University
The lecture is a part of the series: "Kierkegaard’s Methodology in the History of Philosophy” in Studenterhuset. For more information and updates, please check cas.au.dk/forskningsenhed-for-kierkegaardstudier/arrangementer
Christine Svinth-Værge Põder: "Politisk teologi i Weimartiden og under kirkekampen”
More information and registration (with or without paper) via phdcourses.dk/Course/108626
The lecture is a part of the series: "Kierkegaard’s Methodology in the History of Philosophy”. Please register by mail to Anders Moe Rasmussen (filamr@cas.au.dk), see cas.au.dk/en/research-unit-for-kierkegaard-studies/events
CAH and C-SAC seminar to celebrate Christmas with friends from Classics.
Reading seminar with Lavinia Cerioni, Post-doctoral Researcher, Aarhus University.
AFLYST - rykkes til ny dato i foråret. Ny dato kommer snart!
Christine Svinth-Værge Põder: ”Politisk teologi i Weimartiden og under kirkekampen”
By Antti Kauppinen, University of Helsinki
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