Aarhus University Seal

Taste as a social sense. Sharing the experience of eating

by Susanne Højlund (AU)

Info about event


Wednesday 15 April 2015,  at 12:30 - 14:00


Moesgaard, Aud 1 (4206-117)


Contemporary Ethnography

In the seminar series Kitchen Table the research program Contemporary Ethnography presents:

Susanne Højlund (AU):

“Taste as a social sense. Sharing the experience of eating”


Presenting two publications (in press), and an ongoing fieldwork (including filming) Susanne Højlund, anthropologist from AU, discusses the anthropology of food and taste,and opens for a debate on the potential of rethinking and re-conceptualizing the field of taste and food based on theories of synaesthesia and cultural mediation.