Aarhus Universitets segl

After Violence, An Experience of God’s Presence: An Introduction to Plural Ontological Realism.

Open lecture by Robert A. Orsi

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Onsdag 28. august 2019,  kl. 09:15 - 11:00


Moesgård campus, Moesgård alle 20, 8270 Højbjerg (4206 - 129)

Abstract: How are we to understand a woman’s violent encounter with God that comes years after she was sexually abused as a girl by a Catholic priest? Is this a symptom of the sexual violence and a consequence of it? What if the woman to whom this God comes sees the event as a healing? Such questions challenge us to confront our assumptions about modern religion and even about modern knowledge. This lecture carefully explores the life story of an American survivor of Catholic clergy sexual abuse to think about these questions.

Robert A. Orsi is Professor of Religious Studies at Northwestern University and the author of numerous widely acclaimed books, including the recent “History and Presence” (Harvard University Press 2017) https://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674984592&content=reviews