Aarhus Universitets segl

Brown Bag Seminar: (Staff only) Contemporary Archaeology and Anthropology - some things in common?

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Onsdag 10. maj 2017,  kl. 11:00 - 12:00


4206-117 (aud. 1), Campus Moesgaard

By Laura McAtackney and Nick Shepherd (organised by Thomas Fibiger)


The Master Degree Program "Sustainable Heritage Management", to which anthropology contributes, has recently employed new staff at Moesgaard, among others Laura McAtackney and Nick Shepherd. Both are specialists within the field of contemporary archaeology, studying contemporary materialities with archaeological methods, and a field which is thus finding a strong base in Aarhus. In this double presentation, they will present their own work within this field and discuss how contemporary archaeology and anthropology may be useful to one another. Do we have things in common?