Aarhus Universitets segl

Caring for the Future Webinar: Technologies of motherhood and care ethics across reproductive binaries in South Africa

How can we conceptualise birthing care ethics across a bifurcated South African health care system? This talk explores what we call technologies of motherhood in the experiences of women in Cape Town using both the public and private healthcare sector. The South African society is grappling with how to provide effective equitable health care to those who give birth to the future population of the country. Maternal health care is about making individual futures but also collective ones - about birthing futures.

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Torsdag 25. april 2024,  kl. 15:00 - 16:00


On zoom - https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/j/67077608156

Caring for the Future Webinar: Technologies of motherhood and care ethics across reproductive binaries in South Africa

3-4 PM, 25th of April 2024 on Zoom (https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/j/67077608156)

Presented by Nanna Schneidermann (Aarhus University) with Nicole Daniels (Wits University and Percept)


How can we conceptualise birthing care ethics across a bifurcated South African health care system? This talk explores what we call technologies of motherhood in the experiences of women in Cape Town using both the public and private healthcare sector. The South African society is grappling with how to provide effective equitable health care to those who give birth to the future population of the country. Maternal health care is about making individual futures but also collective ones - about birthing futures.

The state provides free maternity care in a primary healthcare framework that functions side-by-side with some of the world’s most expensive private healthcare. Our research examines maternal reproductive experiences in both the public sector and the private sector. We argue that maternal reproductive experiences are produced by different sets of discursive, spatial and material caring relations that emerge on either side of a binary maternity system, which are productive of these self-same differences. We trace the performative production of difference with ‘technologies of motherhood’ that endorse and construct mothering-selves as they emerge from the site of their interaction with the maternal healthcare system. However, these technologies are also resisted in day-to-day caring practices, lived lives and research arrangements. Using an ethics of care framework we identify configurations of motherhood that emerge in both reproductive governance and scholarly works, and suggest that attention to technologies of motherhoods across binaries allows for the construction of futures of plural motherhoods.

About the Webinar Series

The research project Gendered Island Futures: Generational Perspectives on Motherhood and Social Change in the Faroe Islands, invites you to join our quarterly online seminar series. The seminars are meant as a space for scholars to explore how temporalities intersect with reproduction, gender, parenthood, and care. As such, we wish to examine how we might re-think ideas of creating the future through studies of intimate family lives. 

The webinar will starts with a talk of about of 30 minutes by an invited scholar with a following 30 minutes ‘open floor’ for a dynamic group discussion and questions. The event begins at 3PM and ends at 4PM (UTC+01:00) See more at https://projects.au.dk/gif/caring-for-the-future-webinars