Immersion & Evocation: On the affective potential of multimodal anthropology
Departmental Seminar with Christian Vium, Dept. of Anthropology, Aarhus University

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Aarhus University, MoMu Auditorium, 4240-020
Immersion and evocation are central to the anthropological discipline. How may we immerse ourselves in particular environments and draw nearer to the people, entities, and objects of our inquiries? How may mul-timodal methodologies and forms of inquiry contribute to this endeavour, inviting for productive collabora-tions with our epistemological partners? How may we work strategically in registers beyond text with the hope of evoking affective and sensory experiences in our audiences. In this seminar, I will talk about how I approach these questions with reference to ongoing and upcoming research projects spanning the last decade. By unpacking the methodological frameworks, I have developed, I hope to invite for a discussion based in concrete examples and approaches that may point us in the direction of new productive avenues for our discipline.
The seminar will include a guided walk-through of the current exhibition IKERASAK at Moesgaard Museum and a visit to the Multimodal Anthropology Lab – celebrating its 10 years birthday with coffee and cake.
Christian Vium is Associate Professor in Anthropology at Aarhus University (DK), where he directs the Multi-modal Anthropology Lab and coordinates the Multimodal Anthropology MSc-track. Vium is honorary curator at Moesgaard Museum. In 2023-24, he is Associated Research Fellow at the Film Studies Center, Harvard University (US) and part of the CPH:LAB incubator for experimentation and collaboration in creative, cross-disciplinary partnerships across film, the creative arts, science, technology and social entrepreneurship.
Christian Vium
Associate Professor
School of Culture and Society
Deparmtent of Anthropology
Moegaard Allé 20, 4215-220
8270 Højbjerg