Aarhus Universitets segl

MigMob-workshop: Mobilities and immobilities, knowledge and education

Organized jointly by The Mobility and Education Research Unit, Danish School of Education & Migration and Mobility Network Arts, AU

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Torsdag 14. december 2017,  kl. 10:00 - 16:00


DPU, Campus Emdrup

The seminar addresses the ways in which the mobility and immobility of individuals, knowledge and ideas are reshaping the world and how this can contribute to either challenge or reinforce global hierarchies and hegemonies of knowledge. We look at mobility from a double-edged perspective: mobility for knowledge (strategies and practices of people who travel for the purpose of acquiring new knowledge in for example educational migration and academic staff exchange) and mobility of knowledge (when knowledge, intended and unintended, travel through for example internationalization programs, capacity-building projects, transnational education or other institutional structures). Often mobility for and mobility of knowledge go hand-in-hand, when individuals bring home ideas and knowledge from their stays abroad or when geographically immobile people are exposed to new knowledge through institutional arrangements, which rest on an idea of mobile knowledge.

Sign up no later than December 8 by mail to Karen Valentin on: kava@edu.au.dk 

Date: December 14 at 10-16

Place: DPU, Campus Emdrup


10.00-10.30   Welcome and introduction by Karen Valentin, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University

10.30-11.30   Hierarchies and hegemonies: how educational mobilities can reinforce immobilities through geometries of power by Johanna Waters, School of Geography and Human Environment, Oxford University

11.30-11.45   Break

Session 1:   Mobile knowledge, life trajectories and global circuits

11.45-12.00   Shadow education in India and the production of students global aspirations and mobilities by Jakob Ørberg, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University

12.00-12.15   Sámi on the move: Conceptualizing mobility when journeying is a way of life by Sally Anderson, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University

12.15-12.30   "Go West" - Unravelling the experiences of Eastern European students pursuing a master's degree in Denmark by Mette Ginnerskov Dahlberg, School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University

12.30-13.00    Discussion

13.00-14.00    Lunch

Session 2:   Internationalization, power structures and localized forms of knowledge

14.00-14.15    Mobilities and (im)mobilities in transnational capacity-building projects in higher education by Hanne Adriansen, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University

14.15-14.30   Knowledge mobility in structures of legitimation by Tanja Kanne Wadsholt, School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University

14.30-14.45   Grounding global academics? by Hanne Tange, Department of Culture and Global Studies, Aalborg University 

14.45-15.00   Echoes of colonialism by Lisanne Wilken, School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University

15.00-15.30   Discussion

15.30-16.00   Wine and winding up