Aarhus Universitets segl

Sharing Life: collaborative curating and the element of surprise

Academic hour by Jennifer Deger, James Cook University

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Onsdag 20. april 2016,  kl. 13:15 - 15:00


Aarhus University, Foredragssalen (4206-139), Moesgaard


The Anthropology Research Program

Associate Professor Jennifer Deger is an anthropologist, filmmaker and research leader at the Cairns Institute, James Cook University and a visiting professor at Aahrus University. Her practice-led research explores aesthetics, digital technologies and social transformation as been funded by several major Australian Research Council Fellowships. Jennifer has published widely on Aboriginal visual culture, media and aesthetics. Her creative projects with the collective Miyarrka Media include the films Manapanmirr, in Christmas Spirit (2012) and Ringtone (2014), video artworks My Red Yolngu Heart (2011), and the exhibition projects Christmas Birrimbirr (Christmas Spirit), currently on display at the Moesgaard Museum. At present she is co-authoring a book with Miyarrka Media about mobile phones and an Aboriginal art of connection, and working on another manuscript on ethnography, images and processes of enlivening.