Aarhus Universitets segl

The Eternal Return: Adventures in Art, Life and Crystal Meth

Academic hour by Andrew Irving, University of Manchester

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Onsdag 16. marts 2016,  kl. 13:15 - 15:00


Aarhus University, Foredragssalen (4206-139), Moesgaard


The Anthropology Research Program

Andrew Irving is Director of the Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology at the University of Manchester. His research areas include sensory perception, time, illness, death, urban anthropology and experimental methods. Recent books include Whose Cosmopolitanism? (with Nina Glick-Schiller, Berghahn 2014); Beyond Text? Critical Practices and Sensory Anthropology (with Rupert Cox and Chris Wright, MUP 2016);and The Art of Life and Death (University of Chicago, 2016). Recent media works include the play The Man Who Almost Killed Himself (2014) in collaboration with Josh Azouz and Don Boyd, which was premiered at the Edinburgh Film Festival and was concurrently live-streamed to Odeon Cinemas and BBC Arts. Other media works include the New York Stories Project (2013), which is currently hosted on more than thirty websites, including those of the Scientific American, the Smithsonian, Wenner Gren and National Public Radio.