Aarhus Universitets segl

Workshop: Digital forms of Knowledge Production and Dissemination

With Elizabeth A. Povinelli, Franz Boas Professor of Anthropology and Gender Studies, Columbia University, New York

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Tirsdag 18. september 2018,  kl. 13:00 - 15:00


Room 01-33 B (Eye & Mind Film Lab), Moesgaard Museum

In this workshop, Elizabeth A. Povinelli will share examples of her work with the Karrabing Film Collective with a particular focus on experiences with establishing new digital forms of knowledge production and dissemination. Bringing together over 30 individuals from different Indigenous groups from the Northern Territory and their non-Indigenous colleagues, Karrabing Film Collective is a grassroots initiative championing new forms of Indigenous agency through the production of local film and artistic forms.

The workshop is arranged by Christian Vium & The ARTlife-research project.