Aarhus Universitets segl

Carlsberg Grant for researcher at the Department of Anthropology

Heather Anne Swanson has been awarded a Carlsberg Foundation Distinguished Associate Professor Fellowship

Heather Anne Swanson

Heather Anne Swanson, an Associate Professor in Anthropology, has been awarded a Carlsberg Foundation Distinguished Associate Professor Fellowship of DKK 3,785,000 for her project “Innovative Approaches to Ecological Globalization: Anthropology on the New Pangaea.” 

The purpose of the fellowship is to enable newly appointed associate professors to consolidate their independent research groups. Swanson's group will focus on how practices of trade, development, and management remake ecologies by connecting geographically distant places. Through in-depth case studies that combine insights from anthropology, political economy and the biosciences, ​the project focuses on the histories and effects of the industrial transportation practices that increasingly move and mix the world's flora and fauna. The project asks questions, such as: what social and historical factors shape species introductions, how new species disrupt existing social and natural relationships and create new ones, and what conflicts emerge over how to live with animals and plants that arrive in new locales. The three-year project, which begins 1 September 2018, will include two PhD students and one post-doc.

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