Jeanette Lykkegård - New postdoc at the Department of Anthropology
Jeanette will be working on the project ‘Nordatlantiske hverdagsfortællinger’, led by Christian Vium.

I hold a PhD from the department of Anthropology at Aarhus University. In my PhD and postdoctoral research, I have explored existential questions in relation to meaningfulness and belonging; how people may figure out ways to live inner- and outer sustainable lives on this planet, and how the experience of time, including past, present and future imaginings may play into this. I am particularly interested in those parts of human life which may be explored in the in-between-ness of our existence. One may say the spiritual or immaterial aspects; human relations, relations to ancestors, relation to self, to the landscape, sounds, animals, and materials more broadly.
I enjoy combining text, photography, sound, video and other materials in my research methods and dissemination, and I have had an ongoing collaboration with Moesgaard Museum since 2011, and have contributed to various exhibitions.
In the research project ‘North Atlantic Everyday Stories’ I will be going to the Faroe Islands. And I am looking forward to bring my research interests into this new field, and to develop new methodologies for exploring how the in-between-ness of life in the Faroe Islands may enter everyday stories, myths and family archives. I am also looking forward to develop my interest and skills within the multimodal and sensory anthropology, not least to bring new perspectives to existing formal stories we tell about the Faroe Islands and their people.
Jeanette Lykkegård
School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology
Moesgård Allé 20
8270 Højbjerg