Aarhus Universitets segl

Kristian Krarup Frandsen - New PhD student at the Department of Anthropology

Kristian Krarup Frandsen is enrolled as a PhD student with the project: Borderland Futures: Practices towards resilience in Finland.

After completing both an BA and MA here at Moesgaard, I am now enrolled here as a PhD-student with a project tentatively titled “Borderland Futures: Practices towards resilience in Finland”. During the next three years I will explore how people in Finland speculate upon the future in the wake of recent years of Russian aggression.

My fieldwork will be assisted by interlocutors from within the rather vague or eschewed category of preppers. Among these I aim to explore how actions and practices towards individual (or communal) resilience intertwine with imaginings of the future. The results of this project will hopefully shed light on what role the future plays for people within the Finnish welfare-state, reveal the dynamics of how the future is perceived and translated into appropriate responses and lastly, explore how such futures develop and are reproduced over time.

My engagement is placed within the larger project “Post-Conflicts Speculations: Imagistic Anticipations in the Shadow of Russia”, organized by Martin Demant Frederiksen, who will also supervise my PhD-project. I hope to contribute to the larger project with explorations of other-than-literary means to reimagine anthropological engagements with the futures.


Kristian Krarup Frandsen
School of Culture and Society
Moesgård Allé 20, 4235, 238
8270 Højbjerg

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