Aarhus Universitets segl

Martin Demant Fredriksen - New Associate Professor at the Department of Anthropology

Martin has accepted a position as Associate Professor from 01 February 2020.

I come from a position at the Department of Social Anthropology in Oslo, and before that served as a consultant on a EU-funded project on labour market programs in Eastern Europe. In recent years my work has followed two primary lines, one focusing on applied anthropology, and the other on experimental methods and forms of representation. The latter derives from my previous project on the anthropology of nothingness, and ongoing collaborations with contemporary archeology, theatre groups and conceptual artists.

Thematically my current research focuses on the construction and decomposition of coastal infrastructures in Georgia and Croatia. This also follows two lines, where one concerns questions of CSR-management, greenwashing, corruption and activism in relation to construction companies and urban sustainability, and the other how decay, emptiness and urban surfaces are affected and generated by the movement of transient groups (such as tourists) through Southeastern Europe.

I have previously worked at Aarhus University and I look forward to joining the Institute of Culture and Society again.​


Martin Demant Frederiksen

School of Culture and Society - Department of Anthropology
Moesgård Allé 20
building 4235, 234
8270 Højbjerg

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