Aarhus Universitets segl

Trine My Thygaard-Nielsen - New PhD-student at the Department of Anthropology

Trine My Thygaard-Nielsen will be working on a project studying industrial organic tomato production and climate change in Southern Spain

Trine My Thygaard-Nielsen is a new PhD-student at the anthropology department and will start February 1st. She did her bachelor in the field of policies based on the case of the Copenhagen elite high school and her master in the field of food on intergenerational cooperation around food and care in Southern Spain both at the University of Copenhagen.

In between her master and PhD she has worked in various fields such as a design anthropologist at innovation bureau Hatch & Bloom, Head of Section at the Danish Business Authority and latest as senior ux researcher at Loop UX.

Trine will be studying industrial organic tomato production and climate change in Southern Spain. Her PhD is part of the Ecological Globalisation project – (PI Heather Swanson) and partially funded by the Carlsberg foundation.

She is looking forward to meeting you all and can be found at ’sort stue’. 

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