Gender Equality at AU
Virtuel seminar - registration is required
Oplysninger om arrangementet
Aarhus University via Zoom
Der afholdes 8. marts seminar om ligestilling på AU. Der er både et fælles program og et Arts-program. Arts-programmet er i år: 11:30-13:00
11.30-11.40 Opening Johnny Laursen and Dorthe Staunæs
11.40-11.55 Being a manager by Mary Hilson, head of the department, History and Classical studies, IKS
11.55-12.10 Working with diversity work. Reporting from the committee's discussions. Lone Koefoed Hansen, lektor IKK
12.10-12.25 “Rethinking Diversity in Education”, Iram Khawaja, Lektor, DPU
12.25-12.40 Me-too and sexism in a university context, Ning de Coninck-Smith, professor, DPU
12.40-13.00 Questions and closing of the session, facilitated by Dorthe Staunæs and Johnny Laursen
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Gender Equality at AU
Aarhus University has dedicated itself to working actively with gender equality and diversity. Therefore, AU's Comittee for Diversity and Equality would like to invite employees and managers to Aarhus University's Diversity Conference 2021. The purpose of the conference is to create awareness of gender equality at AU and in academia in general. The conference will create knowledge of AU's new action plan for equality 2020-2022, and will provide inspiration for implementation through external speakers. The conference will be held in Zoom.
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