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PhDr. Radek Pech (Czech ambassador),
Mgr. Miroslav Wlachovský (Slovak ambassador),
Ota Tiefenböck
Transdisciplinary panel debate: Brenda Chalfin, University of Florida, George vanDyck, Regional Maritime University of Ghana and Annette Skovsted…
Thomas Biebricher (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
Guest lecture by Thomas Biebricher
Olivier Thomas Kramsch (Department of Human Geography, Radboud University)
Guest "interactive" lecture by Dr. José Peixoto Coelho de Souza
28th to 30th October 2019 - The main theme of the conference will be: Active learning methodologies and the teaching of Portuguese for social…
Guest lecture by Elisa Marchioro Stumpf, Professor at the Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil
Derek Pardue (Brazilian studies, Aarhus University)
Lecture by PIERRE GOTTSCHLICH, University of Rostock, Germany
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