Aarhus Universitets segl

Laurits Støvring Andreasen - New PhD at the Department of Archeaology and Heritage Studies

Laurits is enrolled at CAS from 1 September. He will be working on the potential impact volcanic induced climate change had on humans in Northern Europe in the last part of the ice age.

Portrait of Lautitz

I'll be working on the potential impact volcanic induced climate change had on humans in Northern Europe in the last part of the ice age. The project is shared between Felix' group and a group of climate modelers at the Max Planck institute for Meteorology in Hamburg. My own background is in climate physics and climate modelling so don't hesitate to contact me if you are interested in those subjects!

On the more personal side I am married and have a small child. Also I like running and reading but don't find time for any of those...

I am looking very much forward to my new work and to get to know the rest of you better.


Laurits Støvring Andreasen
School of Culture and Society
Moesgård Allé 20
8270 Højbjerg


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