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"Evidence and the Metaphysics of Normativity"
"Nye teorier om fælleskabet"
"What Would It Be for Assertion to Be Conventional?"
"Den ustyrlige psykiatri - et idéhistorisk perspektiv på sind, sygdom og samfund"
Workshop by Contested Property Claims
Methodological Problems of Social Robotics…
Preben Hornung Stuen (NB!), Studenternes Hus
Oplægsholdere: Kresten Lundsgaard-Leth og Søren Mau
Tekst: G. W. F. Hegel: (DD) Das absolute Wissen, s.…
"Figurations of the Future: Forms and Temporality of Left Radical Politics in Northern Europe"
”Hvad er praksis? Om erfaring, handling og viden i et pragmatisk perspektiv”
“‘Patient involvement’ - an example from Psychosocial Cancer Rehabilitation in Denmark” by Loni Ledderer (Department of Public Health, Health Services…
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