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Christian Olaf Christiansen has received a Carlsberg Foundation Monograph Fellowship for the project: “A Miscalculated Bet: Business, Human Rights and…
Jens Christian Bjerring has received a Carlsberg Foundation Young Researcher Fellowship for his research project: “Algorithmic Decision Making:…
Benjamin will be working on the project: Is value a matter of complexity? An investigation into the naturalization of value.
Mads will be working on the project: Constructing a Theory of Sentience Using Gradualism, Process Ontology, and Organisational Constraints.
Priyanka Jha will be Affiliated the research project “An Intellectual History of Global Inequality, 1960-2015” led by Associate Professor Christian…
Mikkel Thorup er professor i idéhistorie og er netop udkommet med den første danske bogudgivelse om Corona-pandemien.
Statens reaktion på coronakrisen får betydning for den førte politik i mange år fremover. I hvert fald syv ideer er på spil. Læs kronik af professor…
Jakob Bek-Thomsen tiltræder som lektor pr. 1. februar 2020.
Anke has accepted a position as associate professor at the School of Culture and Society from 01 January 2020.
Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen has received a Carlsberg Foundation Monograph Fellowship for the project: The Practical Foundations of Epistemology
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