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Guest Lecture with Alexander Yao Cobinah and José Lucas Campos Antunes dos Santos
Thesis Seminar by PhD student, Phillip Stenmann Baun
Guest lecture by Valentyna Shapovalova, Phd Fellow, University of Copenhagen
Gæsteforedrag ved korrespondet for TV2 Claus Borg Reinholdt
The Tamil story of love and rejection, happiness and pain, good and evil
Meet your fellow students, enjoy exchanging news from your fields, ideas for future collaborations, find current students for internships and more.…
Hans Lucht, antropolog, forfatter og seniorforsker på DIIS, fortæller om arbejdet med og ideerne bag digtsamlingen ”Vores liv ryster (Turbine, 2024).
About controversies related to non-traditional gender dynamics and LGBTQ+ themes in children’s and young adult books in Ukraine and Russia.
China Studies host three public guest lectures by Professor Ding Dou, School of International Studies at Peking University, China.
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