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Social Robots With AI: Prospects, Risks, and Responsible Methods.
Mapping the Theoretical Landscape of Consciousness: Temporal Profiles, Non-Human Sentience, Orderability, and Determinate Transitions.
Persona and Politics: The Democratic Staging of Personality-Driven Leadership in Italy.
by Professor Axel Honneth, Columbia University
Freedom and Virtue – Iris Murdoch’s Platonic Response to her Time.
Detached agency: How to go through the motions
Two-day workshop at ARoS Art Museum in the framework of the AUFF-funded project 'Body politic(s) - The body in early modern political thought'.
Workshop organised by Andrew J. Latham & Somogy Varga
Minded Nature: On naturalism and the bond between mind and nature in Schelling’s philosophy
Lecture by Anna Paldam Folker (Statens Institut for Folkesundhed, SDU) hosted by Center for Philosophy and the Health Sciences.
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