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By Anthony Vincent Fernandez, SDU
By Antti Kauppinen, University of Helsinki
Lecture by Mäel Lemoine (University of Bordeaux) hosted by Center for Philosophy and the Health Sciences.
Departmental Seminar with Victor Sacha Cova, Assistant Professor, University of Cambridge in association with the extended seminar programme ‘A New…
Contesting inequality. Ghanaian Intellectuals and the Idea of an Unequal World, 1960s-1990s
Contesting epistemic power: Transnational student activism, knowledge production and the promotion of pluralism in economics.
Civil ontology – A conceptual exploration into the relation between ethics and politics
by Jason Ānanda Josephson Storm in association with the extended seminar programme ‘A New History of Humanity?'
by Walter Scheidel (Stanford University) in association with the extended seminar programme
‘A New History of Humanity?’.
Seminar by Eloise Davies (University of Oxford)
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