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Trosfrihed er et af de brændende emner i det 21. århundrede. Seminaret vil fokusere på trosfrihedens vilkår i kristendom og islam med særligt fokus på Afrika.
Debat mellem professor Svend Andersen og professor mso,
Anders-Christian Lund Jacobsen, arr. Teologisk Forening
The First K.E. Løgstrup Lecture with Professor Tom Beauchamp
- in relation to Maria Munkholt Christensen’s PhD-defence (to take place on Friday 28th of August). Arranged by the research programme Classical Antiquity: Tradition and Transformation
Christian Prayer and Identity Formation. A Study of Four Ante-Nicene Treatises on Prayer
Efterårets prædikener - en inspirationsdag for præster. Arrangeret af David Bugge og Kasper Bro Larsen
Nanoethics. An Interdisciplinary Study
Oplæg ved cand. theol., ph.d.-stipendiat Mattias Skat Sommer samt generalforsamling i Teologisk Forening
- New Archaeological Evidence for the Cult of a Monastic Saint in Early Medieval Wādī al-Naṭrūn. Guest Lecture by professor Stephen Davis (Yale University)
Symposium, arranged by the Research Group New Testament Studies
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