Feminist education in times of rising conservatism in Brazil
Lecture by Djamila Ribeiro organised by the Brazilian Studies Program – Department of Global Studies

Info about event
Aarhus University, building 1253-211 (Merete Barker Auditorium)
The Brazilian Studies Program – Department of Global Studies (AU) invites all interesed to join Djamila Ribeiro in her lecture "Feminist education in times of rising conservatism in Brazil", in which she is going to talk about intersectionality of race and gender, approaching it from the Brazilian context.
Djamila Ribeiro has an undergraduate degree in Philosophy (UNIFESP, 2012) and she is a researcher in the field of Political Philosophy (Master, UNESP, 2015), with the dissertation title “Simone de Beauvoir e Judith Butler: aproximações e distanciamentos e os critérios da ação política”, in which she also brings black feminism voices to discussion. She is a writer, active in the feminist movement and in the racial and gender relations debate.
Nowadays Djamila is a columnist in the Brazilian magazine Carta Capital (on line and printed) and collaborates with Boitempo's blog, among others. She worked as an Adjunct Secretary in São Paulo’s Municipal Secretariat for Human Rights and Citizenship in the city of São Paulo, Brazil (Mayor Fernando Haddad’s administration) as well as a presenter in a television interview show about art, ethnic and gender issues, public politics and related themes. Here you can see her TED talk with English subtitles.
Djamila has been participating in events such as the Brazil Conference (Harvard and MIT, USA) and the Brazil Forum 2017 (London School of Economics, UK), next to people like the former impeached Brazilian president Dilma Rouseff and Sérgio Moro, a foreman judge in the former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s inquiries and arrest.
Today, Djamila is followed by 103.579 people on Facebook.
Contact information:
Camila Dilli
Visiting Associate Professor
Brazilian Studies - Department of Global Studies