Aarhus University Seal

New Media, Big Data, Civil Society

The Aarhus University seminar in Global Governance Beyond Neoliberalism invites you to the online session, "New Media, Big Data, Civil Society."

Info about event


Wednesday 15 March 2023,  at 11:00 - 13:00


Online - Register here

Please register at the link below the description.

The historic changes in computing and communication technology of the last quarter century have had profound consequences for social relations, affecting the finance sector, the arts and the fundamental organization of civil society. Some have argued that advances in such technology now undermine the basis of capitalist production, that the global economy is on the cusp of a new regime of low-growth production based in rent-seeking – and dependent on coercion, ubiquitous surveillance, instantaneous communication, all made possible by artificial intelligence. Our panelists will examine some of the recent political-economic debates on so-called technological feudalism. They will also consider the undeniable qualitative changes in the lifeworld now taking place, irrespective of how they are classified.

Ryan Bishop (University of Southhampton)
Gavin Mueller (University of Amsterdam) 
Timothy Erik Ström (Arena Online)

Register: https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__B6tU3X6S4Sjld1gtIwwFg