Aarhus University Seal

Postponed - PhD Workshop - Reading texts: up close & from afar - Postponed

Info about event


Wednesday 29 April 2020,  at 14:15 - 17:00


Aarhus University, Nobelparken, The Rainbow Room, Building 1467, room 316

The workshop presents an informal learning environment where we focus on methods in various forms.

The workshop are open to PhD students from Anthropology, Religious Study and GLAS.


Reading texts: up close & from afar
Jan Ifversen  

Methods in cultural studies are strongly text-based. Even the most contextualist approach will have to let the texts speak back. Even the most structuralist approach – on discourse, field or system – has to engage with that in texts which escapes…closure. As Barthes has said, we need to engage with the third meaning that disturbs and create uncertainty. Dominique LaCapra has pointed to the worklike aspect of texts “that supplements empirical reality”. To understand what texts do to us, we need textual analysis.

This workshop focuses on text reading strategies and text analysis practices.

Please email Lisanne (ceklw@cas.au.dk) if you plan to participate in the workshop