Lecture 3: The Dragon-Elephant Conflict: Fluctuations in China-India Relations
China Studies host three public guest lectures by Professor Ding Dou, School of International Studies at Peking University, China.
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China and India, as the world's two most populous countries and two major developing countries with global influence, have established diplomatic relations for over 70 years. The development of their relationship has been featured by conflict and cooperation, mainly subject to the three factors: border conflicts, geopolitical competition, and great power games. In recent years, Sino-Indian relations have almost reached a point of rupture, with India seeing China as the biggest security threat. India has also abandoned its long-standing diplomacy of non-alignment and got entangled in the US Indo-Pacific strategy. However, China remains India's largest trading partner, although India has long grumbled about its growing and remarkable trade deficit with China. In the long run, China and India are neither friend nor foe.
China Studies, School of Culture and Society, University of Aarhus host three public lectures in September 2024. The guest lecturer is Prof. Ding Dou, School of International Studies at Peking University, China. Prof. Ding Dou’s stay is sponsored by European Chinese Language and Culture Programme at Peking University (ECLC).
Dr. Ding Dou (丁斗) is now full Professor in School of International Studies at Peking University, China, Economics Ph.D. He has wide international teaching and researching experiences. His research and teaching area at the present time ranges from China in Global Economy, International Economics, to International Monetary System. He authored several academic books, including China-Australia Economic Relations (in English), and The Sub-Regional Economic Cooperation in East Asia, and published dozens of Chinese or English articles or opinion pieces in journals and news outlets.
The principal organizer: Global Studies
Contact: Dr. Zhang Chun, studielektor, China Studies, AU
Phone: 3125 0656
Email: ostzc@cas.au.dk
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