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To forskere ved Institut for Kultur og Samfund er blevet partnere i hvert deres HERA-projekt, der er støttet af bevillinger fra EU og de nationale…
With a background in Aesthetics & Culture and International Studies here at Aarhus University, Tenna will start her PhD at the Department of Global…
Fakultetet Aarhus BSS har allerede lukket to engelsksprogede uddannelser, og nu er turen også nået til Arts.
Section edited and curated by Associate Professor Hagen Schulz-Forberg
Med en EU-bevilling på 2 millioner euro i ryggen skal forskningsprojektet ECHOES undersøge, hvilken rolle koloniarven spiller i Europa og i forholdet…
As of 1 January 2018, Birgitte Beck Pristed will take up the position as Associate Professor in Russian and Balcan Studies.
We are happy to announce that Vladimir Pacheco Cueva has accepted a position as Associate Professor at the Department of Global Studies as of 1…
We are happy to welcome Raymond Yamamoto as a member of staff at CAS as of 1 March 2017.
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